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How much does SoBrief Cost?
How much does SoBrief Cost?
Eric Jung avatar
Written by Eric Jung
Updated over 2 months ago

Visitors Without an Account

SoBrief is completely free to use, offering access to book summaries in 40 languages. Visitors can read an unlimited number of books without any restrictions. All book summary pages are fully accessible. Additionally, visitors can listen to the first key takeaway in 40 languages.

Free with an Account

By creating a free account, you can bookmark up to 10 books to read later and request books that have not been summarized yet.

Pro Account ($9.99/month, $44.99/year, or $79.99/lifetime)

Subscribers can listen to full book summaries in 40 languages, with no limits on the number of summaries. As a Pro user, you can also bookmark unlimited books.

Although SoBrief is free to use, we encourage you to subscribe to a paid plan to support our development. If you do, please let us know!

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